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Additional Improvements

Table of contents

  1. Additional Improvements
    1. Overview
    2. Improve Organization of Test Suite Files
    3. Improve E2E NPM Scripts
    4. Next…


After following the previous sections, you should now have a project set up with functioning visual tests using Applitools’ classic runner. You could stop here, but there are a few improvements that you can make to the project, which we will cover in this section.

See this diff in the example repository for the resulting changes from making these improvements.

Note: The diff also includes some added comments, additions to, and changes to dependencies in package.json. These improve the usability of the example repository but won’t be covered in this documentation.

Improve Organization of Test Suite Files

We have two test suites: The standard E2E test suite directly under e2e/, and the visual E2E test suite under e2e/visual-tests/. I think it would be cleaner if the standard test suite files were also under a subfolder like e2e/standard-tests. Move the e2e/features/, e2e/page-objects/, and e2e/steps/ folders to be under a new e2e/standard-tests/ folder.


Update e2e/protractor.conf.js to point to these new locations.

specs: [
cucumberOpts: {
  require: ['./standard-tests/steps/**/*.steps.ts'],
  tags: ''

Update e2e/protractor-visual-tests.conf.js to point to the new location of the steps for the standard E2E tests.

cucumberOpts: {
  // Notice how the visual tests use the steps from the standard E2E test suite in addition
  // to specific steps for the visual E2E test suite.
  require: ['./visual-tests/steps/**/*.steps.ts', './standard-tests/steps/**/*.steps.ts'],
  tags: ''

Improve E2E NPM Scripts

Currently, we can run npm run e2e to execute the standard tests, and npm run e2e-visual-tests to run the visual tests using Applitools. It might be helpful to have a descriptive name for the standard test script. Also, it might be helpful to have a single script that executes both test suites. Consider setting up the scripts in the package.json file like so:

"e2e": "npm run e2e-standard-tests && npm run e2e-visual-tests",
"e2e-standard-tests": "ng e2e",
"e2e-visual-tests": "ng e2e --protractorConfig=e2e/protractor-visual-tests.conf.js"

Your own NPM scripts might not look like this, which is okay. This is just one way to organize them. Such scripts are very dependent upon the needs of the project and development team. Do what makes sense for you. For example, you might prefer to have short names for the scripts like e2e and e2e-viz.


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